
Monday, August 24, 2015

Outer Planet News

NASA's Outer Planet Analysis Group is currently meeting to hear the agency's current plans and to provide the feedback of the scientific community on those plans.

Today's presentations brought two pieces of news.  First, in preparation for its Decadal Survey that will prioritize mission from 2023 to 2032, NASA has asked the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to review options for mission to Uranus and Nepture.  The expectation is that following the large (Flagship) 2020 Mars rover and mid-2020 Europa missions, exploration of these planetary system will be the next priority for large missions.  Any missions would likely arrive at these planets a decade or more after their launch.

The second piece of new was that NASA has selected two new planetary CubeSat missions.  One will orbit and study the Moon.  The other will stay in Earth orbit to be a micro-gravity laboratory to study the interactions of particles that eventually led to the formation of the planets.

I've placed copies of the slides from the meeting below.  As I find out more details, I'll do dedicated posts in the future.  All slides are from Jim Green's presentation; he's the head of NASA's Planetary Science Division.


  1. RLVs were contacted about 800 years ago when they were about to make AI. Not in our Galaxy but maybe in our Local Group. They have exosuits because they have not mastered femtotechnology. I guess they are supposed to be our friends. I had vision I was shot by a mentally ill man, and in a year, at Near "c", an object was spotted by the Hubble. Russia's attack of a city did not stop it. They said the Galaxy was ours if we didn't make AI. They don't like the mentally ill offshoots of AL Qaeda for that reason as well as the threat of bioterror, which might see us annihilated if a useless biosphere is all Earth is. They love NASA.

  2. RLVs are the ones who gave me a cancer treatment idea. Apparently we will have a technique within 100 years of imaging most of the planets in the Galaxy. Obviously Starshade isn't powerful enough. The observatory (or whatever) will use ultra low temperatures and take quantum effects into account. I asked if quantum effects of neutrinos have something to do with it and received no reply...
