
Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Requirement for Comments

There apparently is a cottage industry of posting spam in comments on blogs.  Most recently, a 'gg' has been posting in what appears to be identical Chinese characters.  I hope that the content is not offensive.

My policy is to allow all posts that are on topic and respectful of other's opinions.  However, I have turned on a feature that requires you to enter characters displayed to post a comment.  I dislike this feature whenever I encounter it, and I'm sorry to have to enable it here.

Please do continue to post comments!  They let me know that there are interested readers and allow me to answer questions.


  1. The Chinese comment actually seems to be some kind of sex toys advertisement :)
    You can have it translated by pasting it on the following page:

  2. I had a spate of these on one of my blogs, so what I do now is copy and paste into babelfish, chinese to english. The ones that are ads tend to have a lot of numbers in. I think someone first tries out a few non-offensive comments first, and if they're not removed, continues to post on that blog....

  3. Such a great article which posting in what appears to be identical Chinese characters. In which turned on a feature that requires you to enter characters displayed to post a comment. Thanks for sharing this article.
